Know me.
Support me.
Engage me.
What if the healthcare experience was more than a 15 minute office visit across town?
Have you ever heard a strange rattle under the hood of your car, yet when you arrive at the mechanic, the rattle disappears?
Perplexed, and perhaps a bit embarrassed, you leave the auto shop, only to hear the same rattle again the following day. You browse online for answers, concerned that the mysterious rattle could lead to a costly even dangerous situation.
Unresolved, you end up returning to the mechanic, hoping for a different outcome. And guess what? The rattle disappears again...until you go home.
Sometimes healthcare can feel just like that.
Meet me where I am.
Carium is designed to solve the disconnect between in-person clinical visits and daily life. Through tools, resources, education and communication, you and your trusted care team have evidence-based, comprehensive information to better support your healing, health and wellness.
Healthcare in real life.
Today, you can grocery shop, bank and even change your thermostat all from your computer or smart device. With Carium’s secure, intelligent, virtual care platform, you and your trusted care team have a single source to support, monitor, educate, remind, alert and communicate — in real time, in real life.
Device/Wearable integration
Medication adherence
Nutrition tracking
Emotional state
Actionable care plans
SMART goals
Health insights
Reminders & prompts
Shared decision-making
Patient & Caregiver Education
Rich, asynchronous chat
Video visits
SMS messaging
Educational materials